Include Links To Files In Your Text Messages with SMS Attachments

Upload your menus, brochures, spreadsheets and PDF's to our cloud and easily track clicks

Open and response rates of text messages has outperformed email for years, so we have brought some of the common functionality of email to text messaging, allowing businesses to really cash in on the outstanding open rates of text messaging.

We’re the first and only mobile messaging provider to offer the capability to attach files to a text message.

Check out our handy checklist for some simple steps to help make sure your SMS campaigns deliver real value and results.

How do text message attachments work?

As you would with an email, locate the file you want to attach from your computer and Messenger will convert this to a clickable link in the body of your text message. Your file will be securely hosted on our server so you don’t have to worry about hosting the file online yourself.

How can your business use SMS attachments?

There really are no limits, if you have a file that is less than 10MB, you can attach it! Here are a few examples to get you thinking:

SMS attachments for business


Don’t wait for customers to pick up one of your menus, attach it to a text message and send out to your opt-in database. Make sure you include your attachment in any automatic responses to inbound numbers too!

Send text messages by email

Company newsletters

The potential reach here is outstanding. One Textlocal customer generated a 40% click through rate when sending their monthly newsletter as a text message attachment. Email click through rates tend to peak at 8%, the numbers speak for themselves!

PDF Brochures

Direct Mail is typically expensive and produces low response rates. Attaching a PDF brochure to a text message carries no additional costs and delivers a far greater chance of your brochure being read.

Attach files to a text message

Photo attachments

Attach a JPEG to your text message to easily transmit pictures in the most cost effective way.