Integrate Textlocal with Zapier
Connect your Textlocal text messaging account to over 500 apps with Zapier – including Google Docs, Salesforce and Facebook
Connect your Textlocal text messaging account to over 500 apps with Zapier – including Google Docs, Salesforce and Facebook
Your business probably uses different systems for different tasks, whether it’s relying on a sophisticated CRM system to track customer activity, or preferring a simple spreadsheet to keep on top of things. Textlocal has teamed up with Zapier to close the loop on your marketing communications and integrate our award-winning online SMS platform with over 500 web and mobile applications.
Zapier is an online tool that helps you create simple software integrations with just a few clicks. There are over 500 applications partnered with Zapier, allowing you to connect your Textlocal account to them quickly and easily. Zapier is designed for non-developers; it’s a self-serve portal that guides users through creating template integrations with popular applications.
Zapier uses triggers and actions to determine how our online platform integrates with other apps. For example, when you receive an inbound SMS in the Textlocal platform (trigger), an action in Salesforce sets up a new contact. Other triggers include: adding a new contact or when a message is sent via SMS API.
Connect your Textlocal account to hundreds of CRM applications, reminder tools and online email service providers. Send messages and manage contact lists by connecting your Textlocal account with Zapier.
Create a new note with follow up actions every time a SMS campaign is sent from your Textlocal account.
Create a new lead in Salesforce for new contacts generated from a text messaging campaign.
Save new contacts added to your Textlocal account to a Google spreadsheet.
Send a text message confirmation to new contacts from your Facebook ads.
Start sending and receiving text messages and managing contacts in your Textlocal account with this simple guide to Zapier.
We wanted to start using text reminders for the events at our church and Textlocal integrates with our church database so it was the easy option to trial it. It was very easy to setup, and really simple to use through our database system. We have had good feedback from members of the congregation already so will be continuing to use it.
—Rory Jackson, St. Peter's Harrow