Google Forms integration
Integrate Google Forms with Textlocal to seamlessly manage surveys and contacts with SMS alerts and notifications
Integrate Google Forms with Textlocal to seamlessly manage surveys and contacts with SMS alerts and notifications
With our easy to use Zapier integration, you can send SMS messages via Messenger for new Google Forms responses. Or easily create and sync Textlocal contacts from new Google Forms responses.
If your business attends events or shows, then our integration is a cost-effective and quick way to upload all of this information automatically to your Textlocal account rather than having to upload the data manually.
Instead of exporting your contact list and managing multiple versions, use Zapier to automatically save Textlocal contacts whenever a new response is collected in Google Forms. You can specify which contact groups are synced with each form, so your contacts are simple to view and manage.
Our Zapier integration gives you a simple way to see what messages have been sent, to which contact number, and when, without logging on to any other systems.
Seamlessly sync contacts to send SMS to inform, update or cross-sell, allowing your business to have an up to date contact list at all times.
If you have any questions, we’re here to help walk you through setting our Google Forms integration up with ourselves. Contact the team today if you require further assistance, we will be more than happy to help.