Supporting the Public Sector industry 

Textlocal is here to help your business

We understand that across the public sector, adapting to the upheaval of services during this period is more important than ever. Ensuring your service users have access to maintenance and support, as well as staying up to date with the latest information is crucial and SMS is playing a huge part in this.

Ensuring councils and associations such as yours stay connected with the community is our main priority throughout the uncertainty, so we’re offering all customers within the public sector a free keyword on one of our shortcodes

How SMS can help your business

 Here are some of the top use cases on how SMS can be used to support your business.

Share the latest information in real-time

Keep your service users up to date with the latest contact information, phone line hours and helpful information sources. Whether that’s reminding residents that refuse collections will go ahead as planned or to share public transport disruption.

Enable users to request maintenance or support  

Using a keyword on a short number, your users can easily raise an issue without increasing already busy phoneline traffic. The request can then be picked up and dealt with by the most appropriate team as needed for better use of resources.

Bulk sends 

Your team can send a single message to entire databases as well as individuals. Bulk SMS sends are the quickest way to share important updates, ensuring all contacts receive the same message, regardless of device or ability.

Surveys and forms 

Using a mobile survey or form, users can share details of their issue or request additional support as needed. These forms can also be used to gather helpful feedback about replacement services as well as increasing the uptake of online assistance.

Include short links and attachments  

Including a link within your SMS sends ensures the message itself remains uncomplicated, whilst still providing further details where possible. Links or attachments can be used to share new timetables, helpful contacts and point users in the direction of more comprehensive support.

Scheduled reminders

Share helpful appointment reminders to let residents know you’re still here to support them. Where needed we understand that all face to face appointments will have been moved or replaced with online meetings. However, an SMS reminder can still go a long way to reduce missed time slots whether that be an online appointment or scheduled and important maintenance.

Start using your free keyword today

Setting up a Textlocal account is the work of moments and our team are online and available to help with any questions.

Each new Textlocal account is automatically assigned a free keyword, we’ll be adding a second, more relevant one that better connects with your users – all you need to do is let us know what you’d like to use. For existing Textlocal customers, we’ll also ensure the keyword of your choice is added to your current account.

Download Why SMS Guide

Discover the broader benefits of SMS for your business. In our recent Why SMS guide, we explore the plethora of ways mobile messaging can improve customer satisfaction and conversion rates. Download the guide here to explore the potential of SMS.

Need additional support? Get in touch with the team to discuss how we can help.

Download our Back to Business guide

In our recent Back To Business guide, we explore the numerous ways mobile messaging can improve customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

Download the guide today to explore the potential of SMS.