Sussex Local Authority Use Textlocal’s Bulk SMS Software


The Sussex based authority maintain a bank of relief care staff, via their Managed Service Provider. They work on a casual basis for social care services, covering hours available through staff sickness, holidays and maternity/paternity leave on a first come, first serve basis.


The Managed Service Provider required a quick and reliable method of communication to recruit bank care workers to cover shifts.


Textlocal offers a simple text message solution for the Managed Service Provider to communicate with their bank of relief care staff, ensuring efficient use of resources and staff. This has reduced the need for staff to be tied up sending individual emails.

Instant communication to staff, via a convenient channel increases the likelihood of jobs being filled quickly and efficiently, as well as a quick and easy way to update the relief staff on news.


  • Direct communication to each individual mobile device encouraged an increase in worker response rates to shift adverts
  • Considerable time was saved sending messages in bulk
  • Instant, real-time communication increased the amount of shifts covered through SMS shift reminders

Textlocal offers a simple text message solution for us ensuring efficient use of resources and staff.

—Sussex Local Authority

  • Sussex Local Authority – shift notifications