Countryside Properties Uses Textlocal’s Bulk SMS Software


A rapidly growing business in a competitive industry, Countryside Properties is a responsible property developer of new homes and communities, and are specialists in regeneration and design and build contracting.

Their Southern head office is based in Essex and heads up 12 developments across the South East. Mobile messaging was rolled out to all sites to complement existing sales and marketing activity with the aim to increase levels of communication, strengthen customer relationships and generate additional sales.

While their other methods of marketing take time to design, create and deploy, SMS has proven vital for Countryside Properties when reaching contacts with crucial information about a specific property which is time sensitive.


Countryside Properties use the Dual Brand reseller option to manage their numerous developments in the South East, using a master Textlocal Messenger account to purchase credits at head office, with functionality to transfer to the sub accounts instantly and easily.

Each development has access to their own Messenger account so their Sales Consultants can target their own opted-in database with information specific to their site and suitable properties that match their previous enquiries. Each user name is set to the name of the particular development by default to make personalisation quick and easy. This has proven to be a vital tool for the Sales Consultants by being able to target particular contacts with up-to-date information on properties, releases and prices. In fact, on a number of occasions, a single text message promoting a particular property has led to a reservation, meaning the Textlocal service paid for itself numerous times over!

Each message concludes with a short code based call-to-action, the keyword matching the name of the development, inviting people to arrange a call back for more information. This proved extremely successful for a number of developments and enquiries are easily monitored by automatically forwarding leads to the Marketing Suite, Sales Consultants and their Marketing Managers.


  • A text message to a warm, opted-in contact led to the sale of a property, meaning the service paid for itself numerous times over.
  • Rapid SMS communications enable Sales Consultants to deliver vital information instantly to their development’s database.
  • Text messages to hot leads always generate a response, creating dialogue and potential sales.

Text messaging is a valuable tool delivering short, sharp messages for urgent sales and marketing activity.

—Beccie Byrnes, Marketing Manager, Countryside Properties

  • Countryside Properties – a valuable tool for urgent sales and marketing activity