How your organisation can reduce lost profits and wasted time

We’ve been reporting for years that organisations like the NHS can reduce the number of missed appointments they have to deal with by sending appointment reminders in a text.

Missed appointments costs the NHS almost 1 billion pounds of taxpayer’s money every year, with other businesses suffering similar fates (although not on the same scale). SMS appointment reminders provide a quick memory prompt to recipients to attend or cancel their appointments, making it easier for organisations to manage their bookings.

  • Sending reminders to a mobile phone means that people will pick the message up wherever they are and whatever they’re doing.
  • The messages can be timed to ensure maximum effectiveness, rather than having to go through the post or waiting for email inboxes to be checked.
  • Using SMS means no postage or printing costs, and messages can be automated so there’s minimal effort involved.

New research is released all the time, often confirming what we at Textlocal already know, but some businesses are still slow off the mark when it comes to stopping non-attendance in its tracks. The new eBook, “Textlocal’s Guide to SMS Appointment Reminders” is full of advice, research and guidelines for reducing your missed appointments in an effective way. It’s free for anyone to download and is suitable for any business or organisation that could do with a hand managing their diaries.

Reducing missed appointments doesn’t just stop you from having nothing to do for part of your day, it can have a real impact on your bottom line. Whether it’s more effective scheduling leading to better customer or patient service, to a reduction in lost revenue or overtime payments, implementing an appointment reminder system can have a great effect on your organisation.

Download your free copy of the Guide to SMS Appointment Reminders now and start saving time and money now.

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