Mobile accounted for two-thirds of all online traffic on Boxing Day

The percentage of online traffic driven by mobiles on Boxing Day reached an all-time high this year, standing at 60 per cent.

Plus (according to the latest figures released by IBM), online sales made by Britons on Boxing Day grew by over 40 per cent this year – with sales made using mobile devices growing 63 per cent year on year. Smartphones and tablets took equal share of the traffic, although the average order value made on tablets was higher.

People spent, on average, £83.55 using their tablets. This stood at £78.06 for smartphones, reports. When it came to the Android and iOS divide, the results were surprising – with iOS traffic contributing to over 40 per cent of online traffic and Android almost equalling this, at 35 per cent.

IBM Europe’s smarter commerce retail solutions consultant, James Lovell, says that 2013 represents the first time online traffic via hand-held devices was greater than that driven by desktop computers. Adding, he tells “Mobile has rapidly become the dominant channel and now retailers really need to look at the role that each device is going to play within the overall customer journey and decision-making process.

“The key challenge will be how they maximise the effectiveness of these devices to help augment the in-store customer experience, as well as the traditional digital-only channels.”

The news may inspire retailers to make many other changes in 2014, too – including creating stronger, more efficient mobile marketing strategies and ensuring that all festive sales are communicated well in advance to shoppers.

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