Brits send 210,000 texts in their lifetime, according to report

A new report has proved that text messaging is very much alive and well in the digital age by claiming that the average mobile user will send hundreds of thousands of messages in their lifetime.

A study of 2,717 phone users from jokes that every Briton does have a book in them, although this will largely be made up of their SMS output.

Citing results from the research, reports that the average UK mobile user sends 209,510 SMS messages in a lifetime. Based on the average novel length of 80,000, this means that each Briton is capable of producing 91 books by applying their texts to print.

The study claimed that Brits will harbour the SMS bug at 14 and begin to slip out of their habit at around 55. Anyone sending over ten messages per day was classed as a ‘regular texter’, with the average Brit sending 14 messages on a daily basis. says each person takes around 30 seconds to write and send a text, while Brits often keep things short and sweet by making responses around 35 words in length.

However, despite their attempts at being concise, this activity still takes up 72.7 days of their life.

The handheld device insurer has conducted a number of studies on the topic of mobile usage, with one previously reporting that the average Brit spends almost 23 entire days per year on their phone. According to, 21 per cent of the group were found to be spending most of their time texting, with 24 per cent listing browsing the internet as their main habit.

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